Sartorial Shuffle


Aleah is a recent college graduate with a passion for sewing and an eye for digital content creation. Recently, Aleah’s TikTok page has garnered more views and more followers as she’s begun to make content that combines her two interests. Her content focuses on “thrift flipping.” Aleah purchases clothes from local thrift stores that either don’t fit her or are out of style, and with the help of her sewing machine, she creates new pieces. Aleah also has a link in her TikTok bio that allows her followers to purchase her ‘flips’. In one of her most recent posts, Aleah took a 2XL coat and turned it into a dress that fit her size 8 frame perfectly. To Aleah’s surprise, her video went viral. However, not all of the feedback was positive.

A storm of angry TikTok users flooded the comment section calling Aleah fatphobic, ignorant, and selfish for partaking in thrift flipping. Aleah was stunned; she never meant to cause any harm. Further, Aleah didn’t perceive her utilization of thrift stores as problematic considering that she was financially struggling as a low-paid recent college graduate. The stores Aleah frequented had no shortage of clothes waiting to be thrifted. Besides, she thought, her thrift-flipping creations gave a second life to clothes that might otherwise be discarded. Aleah felt a pain in the pit of her stomach from all of the nasty comments, but she couldn’t decide – had she actually done anything immoral?

Some take issue with the fact that some “thrift flippers” choose clothes in larger sizes and alter them to fit smaller bodies, such as in Aleah’s case. Thrift flippers are also criticized for ‘taking’ clothes from those who are forced to rely on thrift stores and ultimately turning a profit. These critics believe resellers are ruining the essence of thrifting.


  1. Is it immoral to buy thrifted clothing if you could afford not to? Is this any different from “thrift flipping”?

  2. What exactly is the moral problem or problems that the TikTokers identified in Aleah’s actions? Are they justified in their condemnation?







Minors, Not Miners! [1]


’Til Death Do My Part