Partners and Sponsors

TO our sponsors: Thank you.

The impact of the NHSEB program would not be possible without generous support from our partners and sponsors. Gifts provide tools, resources, travel stipends, and outreach for High School Ethics Bowls across the United States. Financial support or in-kind gifts to NHSEB Regional Competitions and NHSEB HQ are critical to reaching our ultimate goal—providing important and transformative opportunities for moral and civic education to every student in every school.



These affiliated programs across the world are not managed by the Parr Center for Ethics, or participants in the National High School Ethics Bowl’s competitive structure in the U.S. They are, however, based on NHSEB and closely modeled on its example, and we are thrilled to partner with the organizations below to consult on their programming. If you’d like more information about bringing Ethics Bowl to your country, please contact us.

Ethics Bowl Canada

Ethics Bowl China

The Ethics Cup (UK)

The Ethics Olympiad (Australia)