Renewing NHSEB’s Partnership With APPE IEB

To celebrate the tenth anniversary of our founding, we’re proud to announce an expanded partnership with the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, produced by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE IEB®). In its earliest days, the National High School Ethics Bowl was based upon the APPE IEB and has enjoyed a close relationship with the organization since, as well as with its creator, Professor Robert Ladenson. 

Today, NHSEB and APPE IEB continue to work closely together as friends—each participating in the other’s programming and governance in key ways. As NHSEB’s Director Alex Richardson offered in a presentation at APPE IEB’s Summer Workshop in July: 

“It is now meaningfully possible to participate in Ethics Bowl-style learning from the time you’re very young (with the burgeoning Middle School Ethics Bowl movement) to the time you’re essentially retired. NHSEB and IEB are ideal partners, as our respective organizations represent a key part of this moral education pipeline across the lifespan.”

APPE IEB 2022 Summer Workshop: Building Connections from High School through IEB Alumni

To support this partnership, NHSEB and APPE IEB will pilot a new case-sharing partnership for the 2022-2023 season. Each organization will adopt and use two cases from the other’s Regional Case Set, in order to promote cross-activity conversations, events, and ultimately, we hope, participant and volunteer recruiting.

The kind of learning that the Ethics Bowl promotes is truly a life-long project, and we’re excited to continue working with APPE IEB to ensure that NHSEB participants can continue to do the hard work they know and love as they transition to university. Please check back for exciting additional programming extending from this partnership in the coming months!


Introducing NHSEBBridge @ Gravitas: A New Partnership with the Stony Brook School


NHSEB10: the 2022-2023 Season