Announcing NHSEB’s First Nationwide Impact Study

As we prepare to launch NHSEB’s tenth anniversary season, the Parr Center for Ethics is excited to announce the first-ever national, longitudinal impact study conducted on the National High School Ethics Bowl. This study will be the first attempt to gain substantive insight into whether and how participating in the NHSEB program promotes the development of key intellectual and interpersonal traits among high school students.

For research integrity purposes, the study will be administered by Principal Investigator Michael Prinzing, a new Consulting Research Scientist on the Parr Center team, and Michael Vazquez, the Center’s Outreach Director, who will coordinate the study. The first part of the study will be administered in the early Fall, and the second in early 2023, as NHSEB Regionals get into their full swing. 

Crucial to this study will be getting participation rates among our community (and among students not affiliated with NHSEB) as high as we possibly can. So, we ask for your participation and that of your colleagues. All interested parties can learn more about our study’s details and design, as well as sign up to participate, here. Any questions can be directed to Study Coordinator Michael Vazquez ( 


NHSEB10: the 2022-2023 Season


NHSEB 10: A New Look For a New Decade