CASE Library
Explore The Issues that Matter.
We excitedly invite you to browse, search, and explore our newly redesigned library of over 300 case studies which render some of the most complex and controversial moral and political issues of our time. These cases were formerly used for official NHSEB competitions at the Regional, Divisional, and National Championship levels. They are freely available for public use under Creative Commons licenses.
The NHSEB Case Library is an excellent tool for competitive preparation, internal or intramural competition, or beyond the context of the Ethics Bowl activity completely—as a classroom resource for Grades 9-12 and beyond.
Featured Cases
NHSEB’s Case Library is now fully browsable by individual case, or by Case Set—using the filters below. Or, if you already know a bit about what you’re looking for, the entire library of over 300 Ethics Bowl cases is newly indexed, referenced, and searchable by title, topic, keyword, year, and category. Each individual case entry contains the full text of the case and discussion questions as they originally appeared for competitive use, all references assembled in hyperlinked footnotes, and additional contextual resources curated by NHSEB HQ.
2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019
2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013
National CASE SETS
2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019
2017-2018 | 2016-2017 | 2015-2016 | 2014-2015 | 2013-2014 | 2012-2013
All National High School Ethics Bowl cases are the intellectual property of the Parr Center for Ethics, and all are freely available for public use under Creative Commons licenses once retired from use in NHSEB competitions. This library represents thousands of hours of work from our Contributing Authors, Editors, and others. Please do not reproduce NHSEB cases or sets—in part or in whole—without attribution, or modify the text of individual cases or sets. If you reproduce or make reference to NHSEB cases from this library (e.g., in classroom materials, academic papers, etc.), please attribute and/or cite those materials:
National High School Ethics Bowl (Ed.), <YEAR>. “<Case Title>.” National High School Ethics Bowl Case Library. UNC Parr Center for Ethics: Chapel Hill, NC. http://nhseb.org/case-library
Browse The Library
Oh, the Humanity!
On November 6, 2022, Italian port authority accepted 144 migrants from German charity vessel Humanity I but refused to accept the ship's remaining 35. Protesting Italy's refusal to process all migrants on board, the captain refused to leave the port until remaining migrants were allowed to disembark. European Union humanitarian law dictates that someone seeking asylum is permitted entry if found to qualify under the United Nations' definition of an asylum seeker. However, the Italian Government claims Italy is not obligated to host non-citizens. Should the Italian government prioritize the well-being of its citizens or its humanitarian aims?
Familial Obligations
Amir immigrated to the United States from Lebanon, and has been living in Denver for just over 10 years. Due to working multiple low-wage jobs and medical issues in his family, Amir is poor. His extended family back in Lebanon, however, is much worse off, as his sister Yusra is a widow taking care of her 4 kids and their mother. Yusra had hoped that Amir’s move to America meant that he would be able to send financial support back to Yusra and their family in Lebanon. Amir is not in any situation to do this, but puts on the facade that he is wealthy so as to not disappoint his family.
The Medical Brain Drain
In many poorer countries, such as Nigeria, people will seek to earn a medical degree in order to better their chances to immigrate to richer countries like the United States. This causes "medical brain drain," which is the act of medical professionals leaving their home country for better living conditions. This can be problematic, as it leaves countries like Nigeria without necessary healthcare workers, worsening the medical needs of the nation. Still, these doctors are seeking better lives for themselves and their families, taking advantage of the immigration system of richer nations.
American Dirt
American Dirt, a novel about the journey of a mother and her son seeking refuge in the U.S. was released to mixed reviews. Many immediately attacked the book upon release, saying that it was stereotypical and did not accurately show the challenges Latin Americans face, and that it lifted the voice of a white person who has never experienced these issues. Those in support of the book believe that it may be able to reach a wider audience than other books on the same topic.
The DREAM Act allows undocumented immigrants who were brought in as children to apply for work authorization and not be deported for 2 years. Opponents argue it is morally wrong to forgive those who have broken the law, while supporters argue it is wrong to deport those who came to the US through no fault of their own.